Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay Lately I’ve been listening to/reading Dr. Gabor Maté’s new book, The Myth of Normal. It’s a large, wide-ranging tome, with the subtitle Trauma, Illness & Healing in a Toxic Culture. If you’ve been following me at all, you know that I have lately been very concerned with intersectionality - … Continue reading What is Healing?
What Does Community Mean to You?
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay The Oxford dictionary defines community as follows: com·mu·ni·ty /kəˈmyo͞onədē/ Noun a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common."the scientific community"a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals."the sense of community that organized religion can … Continue reading What Does Community Mean to You?
I Contain Multitudes. How About You?
Image by Russell Dean from Pixabay The American poet Walt Whitman has been haunting me lately. Everywhere I go, I seem to be running into the most famous quote from his Song of Myself, from the collection Leaves of Grass. Do I contradict myself?Very well then I contradict myself,(I am large, I contain multitudes.) The … Continue reading I Contain Multitudes. How About You?
Are You Looking for a Magic Bullet?
Image by HeungSoon from Pixabay Part of the process of becoming a mature adult is developing the ability to see nuances and shades of grey - understanding that few problems have a simple, black and white answer. As adolescents we are sure that the world would be much better if everyone just did things our … Continue reading Are You Looking for a Magic Bullet?
What is Intersectionality?
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay First, a disclaimer - I am not an expert in philosophy or history or economics. However, I am a person who has lived in this world for 60 years, can read and reflect and is privileged to have access to lots of information out there in the world. I have … Continue reading What is Intersectionality?
Let’s Talk About Your Brain!🧠
Photo by Natasha Connell on Unsplash I hate to quote Woody Allen, but I do love his line from Sleeper: “Don’t touch my brain, it’s my second favourite organ!” The human brain is a true miracle. It only weighs about 3 lbs, but it is our control centre. Nothing in our body can function without … Continue reading Let’s Talk About Your Brain!🧠
Health Without Ableism
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay It is a fact of human life that everyone, if they live long enough, will find themselves disabled at one point or another. For some it will be a temporary situation, and they will recover their full abilities; for others, the change is permanent, and will stay with them until … Continue reading Health Without Ableism
In the Beginning …
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay Hello my friend, I’m back after my four week hiatus. The time of the High Holy Days is really intense, and I’m grateful that you are still here.We are now in the mythical, mystical time known as “acharei hachagim”, or after the holidays, and it’s time to pick up the … Continue reading In the Beginning …
That Mythical, Mystical Time
Image by Alexander Kelner from Pixabay We are moving into that part of the Jewish calendar where the dates are definitely closer than they appear. Many people think that the High Holy Days are only three days - the two days of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and then one day (thankfully) of Yom … Continue reading That Mythical, Mystical Time
Why Don’t We Get Enough Sleep?
Image by Tati Halabi from Pixabay Let me start with a disclaimer - I’m not a medical professional, so I don’t profess to be able to give medical or scientific reasons for what I’ve observed in myself and others. I’ve read some articles on the Internet, and we know what that kind of “research” can … Continue reading Why Don’t We Get Enough Sleep?