Image by Moondance from Pixabay If you look at my profile on any of my social media, you’ll see that it says that I help silver people of all genders age with vigour and dignity. Not surprisingly, I’ve been challenged to explain what that means - those are nice words, but how do they help … Continue reading What Does Healthy Aging Mean For You?
Why Ableism is Bad for Everybody
Image by 👀 Mabel Amber, who will one day from Pixabay As I mentioned last week, we had a lovely visit in British Columbia, but alas, our 2.5 year streak of avoiding the virus came to an end. Thankfully, we are all recovering well, each at our own pace (young people faster than older ones, … Continue reading Why Ableism is Bad for Everybody
The Importance of Self-Care
The Gorge, Victoria, BC Hello friend! It is so nice to be with you again after a couple of weeks off. We had a great time on our vacation - unfortunately a wee virus decided to come home with us, so this week is still dedicated to resting and healing. But I had promised to … Continue reading The Importance of Self-Care
Let’s Talk About Rest
Image by Ralf Designs from Pixabay The Torah describes the Creator spending six days (however we might understand that) in work and creation, and then on the seventh day, the Divine rested and relaxed. The word that is usually translated as relaxed is “va’yinafash” - a word that incorporates the root of the word for … Continue reading Let’s Talk About Rest
How Big is Your Compassion?
Image by 40038 from Pixabay For the last few years, I have been privileged to participate in imagery classes, run by the inimitable Carol Rose, who was a student of Madame Colette Aboulker-Muscat. Imagery is a form of short, imaginative meditations, designed by Colette to evoke images from our subconscious. Carol does an amazing job … Continue reading How Big is Your Compassion?
From Queens to Sparks
My new branding! If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you have probably noticed that I have a brand called Energy Queens - in fact, that used to be the name of this website. I developed it about five years ago, and many things have changed for me since then. My amazingly talented … Continue reading From Queens to Sparks
What is Community?
Image by Tumisu, please consider ☕ Thank you! 🤗 from Pixabay This past Shabbat, I finally corrected an omission in my reading - I spent my time with Judith Plaskow’s Standing Again At Sinai. This book came out in 1990, so I really don’t know what has taken me so long. While it is written … Continue reading What is Community?
About Fatherhood
Image by Pexels from Pixabay This week was Father’s Day in North America and some other countries. It has an interesting history - while Mother’s Day apparently caught on very quickly, people were reluctant to honour fathers in the same way. To quote Many men, however, continued to disdain the day. As one historian … Continue reading About Fatherhood
Navigating Change
Image credit: Image by photosforyou from Pixabay So, it has been quite the few weeks recently around here. I finished my 11 months of kaddish for my Dad, with his first yahrzeit (anniversary of death) coming up next month. My middle kid moved out into their own apartment, graduated university and has started doing job … Continue reading Navigating Change
These and These
Mount Sinai. Image by 현섭 김 from Pixabay This week we celebrated the holiday of Shavu’ot, the Feast of Weeks. In Christian tradition it is often called Pentecost, the holiday of the 50th Day. It is the second of the three pilgrimage festivals ordained in the Torah, tied to the first (Passover) by the ritual … Continue reading These and These