The Importance of Eating Together

This past Sunday, I had the privilege of being interviewed, together with my friend Ramsey Zeid, on CBC Manitoba's Weekend Morning Show, with our friend and host Nadia Kidwai. Here is a clip of our conversation. The iftar in question has been and gone, and it was lovely, but I wanted to share the thoughts. … Continue reading The Importance of Eating Together

In Praise of Adult Learning

In Western culture, we are accustomed to considering learning as a means to an end, especially as adults. We learn a skill to get a better job, or a language because we plan to travel somewhere. Rarely do we talk about learning for its own sake, for no outside purpose other than the pure joy … Continue reading In Praise of Adult Learning

Come Learn With Me!

Are you wrestling with the Divine? Do you feel like the Jewish tradition isn't answering your questions in a way that works for you? Are you looking for a radically inclusive community of Godd*-wrestlers, where we can search together, with support and love and awesome tools? Then this class may be for you. What is … Continue reading Come Learn With Me!

Meeting the Other Where They Are

Image credit: Pixabay As I write this, I am in Toronto airport on my way home from an interfaith meeting of seminary students, titled the Dialogue of Abrahamic Faiths. It was organised by a group called the Washington Theological Consortium (WTC), a group of theological schools and partners based in the DC area. There were … Continue reading Meeting the Other Where They Are

Some Torah from My Kid

This past Shabbat was the 10th anniversary of my kid’s Bat Mitzvah, and they shared some thoughts on the parasha. As you can see from the beautiful handmade tallit in the picture above, they were always focused on the reconciliation of the brothers that happens in the story. Ten years later, that has not changed. … Continue reading Some Torah from My Kid

In Praise of Praxis

Image by Photography and graphic design from Pixabay Praxis is a fascinating word, and it’s a fascinating process. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the deceptively simple definition of praxis is “the process of using a theory or something that you have learned in a practical way”. As an example, a student might learn something about … Continue reading In Praise of Praxis

Let’s Talk About Joy

Image by Susan Cipriano from Pixabay This week we end the (seemingly endless!) cycle of Jewish fall holidays - starting with Rosh HaShanah, the head of the year, on the first of the Hebrew month of Tishrei, and going through Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the seven days of Sukkot, the Feast of Booths, … Continue reading Let’s Talk About Joy

Hard Conversations

Image by Jessica Kwok from Pixabay The world is full of people who don’t want to have the hard conversations - either because they shy away from any possibility of conflict, or because they are so rigid in their convictions that they don’t want any chance they might have to change their minds. Last May … Continue reading Hard Conversations