You Can’t Fake Authenticity

Image credit: Pixabay I’ve been listening to a book by Jamie Kern Lima, called Believe IT. She is a remarkable young woman, who started a natural cosmetics company because she needed better coverage for her rosacea while working as a TV anchor. She ended up selling it to L’Oreal for B$1.2, yes, that’s a B. … Continue reading You Can’t Fake Authenticity

The Day I Ditched the Heels

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay It’s been a long pandemic, and I believe that between March 2020 and the beginning of November 2021, when my synagogue began cautious in-person services again on Saturday mornings, I had worn my high heels maybe once or twice. Not a lot of occasions to get dressed up, alas. If … Continue reading The Day I Ditched the Heels

Do Your Lights Go Up or Down?

Image credit: Ri_Ya on Pixabay This past Sunday was the last evening of Hanukkah, and everywhere that Jews live you will have seen lights in the window - the full set of eight, symbolising the eight days we are told that the miracle of the oil lasted. You might say that we are celebrating the … Continue reading Do Your Lights Go Up or Down?

How Can We Find Words of Peace?

Image credit: Wokandapix on Pixabay This past Saturday, synagogues around the world read the story of Joseph and his brothers. You are probably familiar with it - Jacob, who comes from a family of much dysfunction and pain, perpetuates the abuse by showing blatant favouritism to Joseph, the son of his late favourite wife, Rachel. … Continue reading How Can We Find Words of Peace?

Clearer and Brighter

Image credit: Pixabay It’s been snowing here in Winnipeg, and given that it’s only November, it is still clean, white and beautiful, reflecting the lights and making everything look brighter. We will be very tired of it by February, but for now it is lovely. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, this is the time when … Continue reading Clearer and Brighter

Choose Your Light

Image by Hervé Lagrange from Pixabay This past weekend, most North Americans fell back an hour to return to Standard Time. Europe and most of the rest of the northern hemisphere did this a week earlier. The time-honoured (pun intended!) ritual of changing the clocks and dealing with confused bodies was accompanied by another phenomenon … Continue reading Choose Your Light

Dealing with Haters

Image by Radoan Tanvir from Pixabay People don’t like those who are different. It’s an ancient, tribal thing - probably connected to that same fear of rejection we talked about last week. It’s part of the evolution of a mature society that it consciously chooses to accept, even cherish, those who deviate from the patriarchal … Continue reading Dealing with Haters

Are You Ashamed to Be Different?

Image by silviarita from Pixabay It’s a very primal thing for humans to want to belong and fit in - after all, back when we lived in caves, being kicked out of the group was probably a death sentence. Somebody needs to tell our subconscious that that is no longer the case. When we are … Continue reading Are You Ashamed to Be Different?