One Year Later – Dreaming of Better Times

Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay On this anniversary of the horrific events of October 7th, followed by the equally horrific destruction of Gaza, I just want to share with you an interview I did with our local CBC station, in conjunction with my friend, who is the president of the Canadian Palestinian Association of Manitoba. … Continue reading One Year Later – Dreaming of Better Times

A Year and Its Curses, A Year and Its Blessings

Image by Ri Butov from Pixabay Tonight we will welcome in the new year 5785 in the Jewish calendar, and bid farewell to the year 5784 - a year that was remarkable in many, many ways, most of them not very welcome. You probably don’t need me to remind you what happened when 5784 was … Continue reading A Year and Its Curses, A Year and Its Blessings

Feel the Burn(out)

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay It’s been a long 11 months, and the emotional exhaustion and burnout is real. I’m sure I’m not the only one having trouble sleeping, and of course that tends to make things worse. Whatever the source of stress in your life, just trying to pretend it isn’t there is … Continue reading Feel the Burn(out)

I am My Beloved’s and My Beloved Is Mine

Image by Ri Butov from Pixabay Today we begin the Hebrew month of Elul - the final month in the year that began with Rosh HaShanah, the head of the year, last September. It’s a little amusing that the Hebrew months actually all have Babylonian names - in the Bible, they are mostly referred to … Continue reading I am My Beloved’s and My Beloved Is Mine

Let’s Help Send Food to Gaza

Click the picture to watch the reel! The following information comes from Standing Together in Israel/Palestine: Over the past few weeks, thousands of Palestinians and Jews in Israel have been donating food and aid to people in Gaza, and working tirelessly to get it ready to be transported via an international NGO.  We collected food … Continue reading Let’s Help Send Food to Gaza

Grievability and Humanity

Image by Jacques GAIMARD from Pixabay The philosopher Judith Butler has developed a concept they call “grievability” - the idea that if someone is grieved when they die, it means their life was considered worth living. In particular, not just by family and friends, but as a generally acknowledged loss, noticed by the dominant society. … Continue reading Grievability and Humanity

Let’s Talk About Sleep, Again

Image by Alexander from Pixabay Hey friends, I know it’s been a while since I last talked about wellness stuff. There is so much going on in the world! People can be easily excused if they forget to take care of themselves while trying to keep up with everything, especially those who have family in … Continue reading Let’s Talk About Sleep, Again

On Boxers and Misogyny

Image by Anil sharma from Pixabay Here’s a hot take. Is it time to abolish women’s sports, and just have competition classes based on other criteria, to make sure things remain reasonably fair for everyone? Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you have probably become aware of a controversy at the Olympics, involving two … Continue reading On Boxers and Misogyny

Zealotry and Peace

Image credit: Pixabay I don’t often connect these little articles to the Torah portion, but this week we are reading Parashat Pinchas - the section of the Five Books of Moses named after the zealous priest Pinchas, the grandson of Aaron. Since this portion always falls during the summer, it doesn’t always get the attention … Continue reading Zealotry and Peace