Why This is a Good Time to Mask

Safe for travel! November is about to turn into December. Around here, there is snow on the ground and a chill in the air. Our Thanksgiving was in October, but the holiday parties have definitely started. People are gathering indoors, and the ventilation isn’t always great. Cue the same triple-demic we had last year - … Continue reading Why This is a Good Time to Mask

Is There a Scarcity of Blessing?

Image by M W from Pixabay First of all, my apologies for missing last week’s blog post - I went to a retreat with my rabbinical school early Sunday morning, and somehow it just didn’t get done. Nobody is perfect, not even me, but I’m back! I’m writing this on Saturday night, and my mind … Continue reading Is There a Scarcity of Blessing?

It’s OK to Adjust to Your Needs

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay Sometimes we get caught up in our own expectations, and we need to be aware of what is actually important, and what we are just doing because we think we should. As you probably know if you follow me on any social media, I am quite addicted to running … Continue reading It’s OK to Adjust to Your Needs

On Gratitude in Hard Times

Image by Jackie Ramirez from Pixabay As you read this blog on Wednesday, this week it has been Thanksgiving in Canada, Indigenous Peoples’ Day in the US, and Isru Chag, the day marking the end of the High Holy Day season, for most Jews in the Diaspora (Israeli and Reform Jews marked it on Sunday). … Continue reading On Gratitude in Hard Times

I Wish You Apples and Honey

Image by cstpdx from Pixabay As you read this message, we have transitioned into the Jewish year 5784 (no more or less an arbitrary number than the one associated with Pope Gregory).  The holiday of Rosh HaShanah, the Head of the Year, kicks off a month-long cluster of holidays ordained in the Jewish Scripture, mostly … Continue reading I Wish You Apples and Honey