#BlogElul 21: Change

Change. Oh, there's so much change going on. This year has been quite the year in that regard. My husband was laid off/retired from his position as a senior scientist with the federal government after two years of hell, and started his own engineering consulting company. My oldest son graduated high school and started university. … Continue reading #BlogElul 21: Change

#BlogElul 16: Understand

Oh, my goodness, Rabbi Sommer. Understanding. That strikes home for me. One of the central tenets of Judaism is the concept of Beenah, understanding. In fact, it is so important that one of the major Hassidic streams, Chabad Lubavitch, is partly named after it. The name Chabad is actually an acronym for Chochmah (Wisdom), Beenah … Continue reading #BlogElul 16: Understand

Go Week!

Next week is Go Week - that means that everyone in Isagenix is having a special customer appreciation week. People are posting on Facebook, hosting parties, offering incentives. I'm particularly intrigued by the latter. So I'm going to experiment and see what works. For the week of September 15 - 21 ONLY, I'm going to … Continue reading Go Week!

#BlogElul 13: Forgive

I think it is very apropos that Rabbi Sommer is talking about forgiveness here. Of course I immediately thought about Alexander Pope's aphorism "To err is human, to forgive, divine". This connects to my #BlogElul post on the subject from 2012. I was talking about G-d forgiving the Israelites for the sin of the twelve … Continue reading #BlogElul 13: Forgive