Yesterday I talked about the power of hearing within our tradition, but the High Holy Day liturgy is also full of powerful images, invoking our power of sight. The most famous image, of course, is that of G-d as King, seated upon the throne of judgement, deciding what will happen with us in the coming … Continue reading #BlogElul 9: See
Category: Community
#BlogElul 8: Hear
Today I had the privilege of shadowing our cantor as she conducted a funeral, and I learned something about hearing. Our congregation currently does not have a rabbi, so some of the lay people, such as myself, are pitching in to help lessen our cantor's load. She is a huge asset to our community, and … Continue reading #BlogElul 8: Hear
#BlogElul 7: Understand
As a scientist, I have often thought that my job was to try and understand the world. I've now come to the conclusion that my understanding of "understand" was flawed. Understanding is a funny thing. When we use it with regards to the words of another, we mean that we have comprehended their meaning - … Continue reading #BlogElul 7: Understand
#BlogElul 6: Want
This evening I was on an amazing call with my coach, Karen Fagan, and a group of other women. Among other things, we discussed the importance of deciding what you want. It seems pretty obvious, doesn't it? And yet, a remarkable number of people don't know what they want. They might be very clear on … Continue reading #BlogElul 6: Want
#BlogElul 5: Accept
Acceptance is an interesting concept. It looks like it might mean giving up, not striving any more, just accepting what is. But that's not necessarily true. For example, an empowered person accepts 100% responsibility for everything that happens in his or her life, good and bad. That doesn't mean that the person shoulders blame for … Continue reading #BlogElul 5: Accept
#BlogElul 4: Choose
Coming out of Shabbat is a good time to reflect on our power to choose. This post will be brief, as it is late and I choose to honour my health with adequate sleep. In today's Torah reading, I told the congregation about various transgressions that were punishable by death - idolatry, refusing to accept … Continue reading #BlogElul 4: Choose
#BlogElul 3: Prepare
I'm sure it's no coincidence that Rabbi Sommer put this theme on a Friday. This post will be brief, because I am not only preparing for the High Holy Day season, today I am preparing for Shabbat. Shabbat is a weekly recurring holiday, in which observant Jews take the day off from the world. Wouldn't … Continue reading #BlogElul 3: Prepare
#BlogElul 2: Search
If you look at the graphic that Rabbi Sommer has kindly provided for this project, you'll notice that several of the themes come in pairs - Hear and See, End and Begin. You'd expect today's theme, Search, to be paired with Find, but it isn't. During the High Holy Day season, we search our souls, … Continue reading #BlogElul 2: Search
#BlogElul 1: Act (video)
The High Holy Day liturgy describes the Day of Judgement, on which we will stand before the Almighty and be judged for what we did in our life. Not what we thought, not how we felt, but what action we took. How will you be judged on that day?
#BlogElul: It’s That Time of Year Again!!
I'm sure you also find that the older you get, the faster time passes ... it seems like just a few months since I last did this project, and here it has come around again. I am very grateful to Rabbi Phyllis Sommer, who puts this list together for us every year. Elul is the … Continue reading #BlogElul: It’s That Time of Year Again!!