Starting the New Year Off Right

Everyone makes resolutions this time of year - even those whose only resolution is not to make any. There's just something about a crisp new planner, an empty calendar, and the struggle to remember to write a different year on things. While for many reasons the real beginning of the year is in September, that … Continue reading Starting the New Year Off Right

Looking in the Funhouse Mirror

Have you ever noticed how gym mirrors tend to distort, like funhouse mirrors? If you are short and solidly built like me, you don’t find much fun in that kind of mirrors – for some reason they never make you look taller and slimmer than you really are. My personal solution to those mirrors has … Continue reading Looking in the Funhouse Mirror

#BlogElul 26: Create

There is a description of nearly all Jewish holidays that goes like this: "They tried to kill us, we won, let's eat." Creating holiday-specific foods is an integral part of the tradition. The traditional foods of Ashkenazic Jewry are foods of poverty - my grandmother would eat with relish things like chicken feet and fish … Continue reading #BlogElul 26: Create