A Fresh Start

maple leaves fall

It’s September! It’s just shocking how fast the summer goes around here. It seems the leaves just poked out of the buds, and now they are almost ready to fall.

The kids are going back to school, traffic picks up, and people are thinking of fresh starts. There are lots of resolutions associated with January first, but I think the real new year is in early September – when everything seems fresh and new and cool.

So what kind of fresh start are you thinking about, and how is it going to be different this year?

Maybe your clothes are a little tight after all the summer fun, and it’s time to start moving again, and maybe pay a little more attention to what you are ingesting. Will you get a gym membership and actually use it? Will you do more cooking and get more sleep, now that it’s getting dark earlier and earlier? So many ways to honour and take care of your body, what will you choose to do first?

Maybe you are coming back to work after a summer break and really don’t want to be there, and you are thinking of maybe making a career change. What kind of education upgrade would you need? Can you do it online, or do you need to make a time commitment during the day? Maybe it’s time to polish up your resume, and you need to find out what employers in your field want nowadays – things may have changed. There are a lot of job descriptions out there that didn’t even exist five years ago.

Or maybe you are thinking of taking the plunge and starting your own business. What do you need to know before you jump? Do you need to take some courses, make a business plan, or maybe sign up with a network marketing company? There are lots of different ways to be your own boss – make sure you don’t jettison your safety net too soon!

These are just some examples of the kind of restlessness that seems to pervade the air when the pencils are sharp and new. People are looking for new ideas, new ways to improve their quality of life and make things better for their families. Does that sound like you?

I always love to communicate with my readers – if you have ideas you would like to share with me, or something you would like me to write about, feel free to drop me a comment or send me an email!

Image by JamesDeMers from Pixabay

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