It’s been snowing here in Winnipeg, and given that it’s only November, it is still clean, white and beautiful, reflecting the lights and making everything look brighter. We will be very tired of it by February, but for now it is lovely.
Here in the Northern Hemisphere, this is the time when daylight is in retreat, especially at higher latitudes. My social media feed is full of people complaining about the darkness and how it affects their mood. Nature all around us is preparing for a long sleep, and many people are inclined to follow suit. There is even a name for the depression that many people experience when there is less sunlight – seasonal affective disorder, or SAD.
We are still over a month away from the winter solstice, when the days will start lengthening again, ever so slowly at first, then faster and faster. It can be a hard time. For many people, the push for unbridled consumerism and unrealistic expectations of family time over “the holidays” can make things even worse. So much stress. How can we make things better?
Making anything better starts with awareness. Try to notice when you find yourself feeling stressed, heavy or despondent. Be gentle with yourself – this is not a good time to beat yourself up for being “weak” or “broken”. You are just a human, dealing with a difficult time of year, and probably other things as well. Remember that all those people who seem to have it so much more together are dealing with their own demons, who just happen to look different from yours. There is no need to compare and despair. See if you can take a moment to be kind to yourself – a cup of tea, a few moments of rest and peace. Can you go for a walk?
The other day I participated in a lovely imagery class with the amazing teacher Carol Rose. Among other exercises, we imagined ourselves as beautiful crystals – always getting clearer and brighter. I love this image – each of us is a unique crystal, with our own way of reflecting and amplifying the light of the world.
When you find yourself greeting another dark morning with dull sadness, try to imagine yourself as a crystal, reflecting any light you can find. You can always become clearer and brighter, even if you can only take baby steps at first. If you need professional help, I urge you to make sure you get it. SAD is no joke, and the dark months are only beginning.
If you find this imagery at all helpful, I’d love to hear back from you. What do you do to bring yourself out of the darkness?