I saw this meme today in a Facebook group that I follow, and it really struck me how important it is. Not because people shouldn’t celebrate and relax in December, but because it really brings home that a true vision doesn’t stop.
Of course, it’s important to rest and refresh your strength, but don’t just disappear off the face of the earth. As Ray Higdon says, it’s OK to have a low-production week, but don’t have a no-production week.
If your goals are truly important to you, don’t let them fall by the wayside altogether for two or three weeks. Spend time with family, travel, get out in nature, do all of the things you need to do to enjoy the holiday period, but don’t forget whom you said you wanted to be. Make some time to work on your goals, even during the holidays.
A few weeks ago I wrote about that mythical time of acharei hachagim, after the holidays, and how in Israel, everything stops during the fall holiday period. The same is true here in North America in December – everyone’s mind is elsewhere, people take as much time off as they can. When January comes, everything has to start again from scratch. It’s much harder to get something moving from a stillstand, than to keep a slow, gentle movement that never quite stops.
So whether your goals involve health, a business, a cause, or anything else that is truly important to you, don’t put them on hold. It’s OK to slow down, but don’t stop. It’s going to be so much harder to get started again if you do.