From Queens to Sparks

Purple background, white femme silhoutte with an owl in her ear with a rainbow wing and surrounded by sparks. Text: Silver Sparks, Vigour, Dignity, Love
My new branding!

If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you have probably noticed that I have a brand called Energy Queens – in fact, that used to be the name of this website. I developed it about five years ago, and many things have changed for me since then.

My amazingly talented friend Val, who made the Energy Queens branding materials for me back then, helped me figure out how I want things to change, and we came up with a new name – Silver Sparks.

Silver probably doesn’t surprise you, given my recent journey from colouring my hair to embracing my natural silver. I’m 60 years old and not hiding it. 

The Sparks come from an old Kabbalistic myth, originating in the mystical city of Tsfat in the 16th century. In this tale, the Creator’s process of pouring energy into the material world was flawed. There was a catastrophic “shattering of the vessels”, and sparks of divine energy went everywhere, hiding in all of creation, both living and inanimate. The task of the Kabbalist was to help repair the world by finding these sparks and returning them to their rightful place, usually by means of ascetic practices and esoteric chanting. I don’t know how successful they were.

Nowadays the concept of “tikkun olam” (repair of the world) has taken on a less mystical and more direct meaning – human work that helps make the world a better place. Social justice efforts and environmental work are two spheres that immediately come to mind, and I would definitely encourage everyone to see what they can do to make their own world better.

I also love the extension of the concept to the idea that we are all created in the image of the Divine, and therefore every human is worthy of a good life. They don’t have to earn it – it’s their birthright. Each human contains a spark of the Divine.

Bringing these concepts together, it is my intention to grow Silver Sparks as a way to help silver people of all genders age with vigour and dignity. You will notice the branding of various things (my website, my social media, my newsletter) changing over the course of the coming week. I hope you like it – I’d love to hear your feedback!

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