Happy Week of Celebrations!

It is quite the week – Eid el Adha for Muslims, Juneteenth for USAmericans, the Summer Solstice for the Northern Hemisphere, the Winter Solstice for the Southern Hemisphere, and Indigenous Peoples Day here in Canada. A combination of remembrance and celebration all around.

This post will be very short – I’m still trying to catch up from two days of celebrating Shavu’ot last week, and preparations for my son’s wedding in a few weeks are starting to hit a fever pitch. 

So whatever you may be celebrating this week, I wish you joy, love and family, whether biological or chosen. These are not easy times, but it’s important to stop for a breath and a celebration, even if only for a moment. If we can find a flash of gratitude and joy, even in the midst of tragedy and horror, it will give us strength to carry on.

Be well, and remember you are not alone. Here’s a song to help you with that. 

I’m Not Alone – Aly Halpert & Anat Hochberg


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