Over this past weekend I reread Gary Keller’s book, The ONE Thing. This guy is one of the founding partners of Keller Williams, a very large and successful real estate company. So he probably knows what he’s talking about, with regards to achieving success.
I’ve always had issues with this book – like Marie Forleo, I consider myself a multipassionate entrepreneur, and always resented the implication that I needed to focus on just one thing to be successful. How could I say no to all the other things I love??
After the latest rereading, and some thought, I think I may have misunderstood what he’s saying. Since we are never alone, maybe you could use some help with this, too.
In short, Keller states that multitasking is counterproductive and wastes time. He suggests that the best way to achieve success in any sphere, whether in work, relationships, sports or any other part of life, is to determine the most important thing you need to work on, block off time, and just do that until you are successful. Obviously you can’t put all of the rest of your life on hold, but choose one priority and stick with it until you are either successful or don’t want to do that thing anymore.
This may seem completely obvious to you – or, if you are like me, you might be kicking and screaming that you want to do ALL THE THINGS, right now.
Here’s the thing. It’s not a life sentence. It’s for a season of your life. There will be time to do all the other things. You still need to make room in your life for your health, your relationships, and your community. But you have to choose a priority (just one) for THIS SEASON, and stick with it for a while. Then you can do something else.
Did this turn on a light bulb for you, as it did for me? Or are you snorting because it’s so obvious? I’d love to know!