Did you know that just going for a 30 minute walk each day can do wonders for your body, but also for your mind?
If you look up the benefits of 30 minutes of exercise each day, you’ll find many physical ones – improved immunity, reduced risk of varicose veins, reduced risk of chronic disease, stronger muscles, weight loss, even longevity.
But right at the top of the list you will find that moving your body each day will improve your mental health as well. Here are a couple of reasons why.
Reduces anxiety and depression. Physical exercise produces an anti-anxiety effect in the brain. Aerobic movement, as well as mindful movement such as yoga, can help to activate and replenish GABA, a neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in the body’s response to stress. Regular exercise both decreases and prevents depression—helping the body and brain to relax and release stress.
Boosts mood. Working out enhances chemicals in the brain—like dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine—that are associated with improved mood and decreased stress. When we boost our heart rate, our body releases endorphins, resulting in a boost of energy and improved mood. By exercising, your mood can be significantly enhanced by the brain learning to naturally produce these mood-enhancing substances, reducing the stress hormone cortisol.
You don’t have to lift heavy weights or run marathons, although both are excellent forms of exercise – the former is particularly healthy for older women. Just go for a brisk walk around the block, especially with a friend, and feel your mood lift.
Wishing all who celebrate an easy and meaningful fast of Yom Kippur!