Thirty Days Later
I lost 2.5 kgs, which is about 5.5 lbs. Given that I am now only about 8 lbs above the Weight Watchers goal weight I set back in 2000, I’m pretty jazzed about that. My measurements didn’t budge much, and yet the picture would suggest that they should have. I find that odd, but it doesn’t really matter.
Now on to the important stuff. I started off feeling much, much better on shakes and cleanses (although I by no means kept strictly to the regime). Then I got all excited and added on too many other factors, and found my immune system reacting quite strongly (read: I flared up. Boo.). I backed off on those things and am back to just shakes and cleanses (and food, I should be clear on that), and things are settling down nicely.
Once I’m completely confident that my flareup is gone, I will try to introduce the other products again, and see which, if any, is the culprit. It may just have been a case of too much too fast. I will find out.
I’ve also bumped up my exercise, trying to be more consistent in my walking, and of course my beloved kettlebell every Wednesday. I’ve really been doing well there! I’ve also started doing a few body weight exercises in the morning, and I think that makes a difference, too.
My skin still looks amazing, my nails are shockingly long, and every part of me feels infinitely better nourished than it was before. I’m very happy about this.
Interested in joining me? Drop me a line or visit my store. The latter is still very much under construction, but I’m getting there!