As my faithful readers know, I’ve been struggling with an auto-immune disease (ulcerative colitis) for many years. After a very serious flareup in 2009, I started following the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, an early version of Paleo. I described my successes and failures almost exactly a year ago, and here I am again, in almost exactly the same place.
One could take this as a sign that people, including me, are idiots and can’t learn anything. Or we can take it to demonstrate the remarkable power of denial. Regardless, I like the above exhortation from a website called SCD Lifestyle and have plastered it everywhere I am likely to look (I should stick a copy on the cookie jar!). The picture, by the way, is mine and was edited with an app called Over, which I love. Thanks to Chris Brogan for bringing it to my attention. Feel free to use it with attribution.
I’ve also set myself a new challenge, in the hope of helping my stupid Lizard Brain get over itself and do what it needs to do. I’m going to follow Dean Dwyer‘s recommendation and curate information about something that’s important to me – dietary and lifestyle changes to help me deal with the UC without nasty drugs. This will be in parallel with my WordPress project. It should keep me out of trouble, both literally and figuratively.
So, what is your motto for 2013?
Paleo helped me as well. I never had a clear diagnosis, but the symptoms were crohns for sure.
paulaj recently posted…What is the Best Paleo Book ?
I have been a strict SCD follower since 1999. I strayed a bit for a couple of years but my health pulled me back. 15 years since crohns diagnosis…med free.
Welcome, Chris! That’s very encouraging.