#BlogElul 15: Learn

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It’s Elul again!

Oh my, today’s word is Learn. And am I ever learning these days!

I’m learning how to get out there and ask people for things. I asked the two people who are leading Shacharit upstairs on Rosh HaShanah to switch so that one of them could very graciously come down and fix my second-day-of-Rosh-HaShanah problem. Guess what, they agreed, and a major source of stress in my life has disappeared! Would I have dared to ask them a year ago? I don’t know.

I’m learning how to read Torah with the High Holy Day trope, which is different from the regular one. I’m learning how to be a leader and how to listen to people. I’m learning how to ask the right questions to draw out the real thoughts that are behind their problems. This is at the heart of the philosophy of The Life Coach School, and I think I’m going to become quite good at it. I still have a lot to learn, but I’m on my way.

This is so incredibly exciting to me. Learning is one of my favourite things to do, I can never be bored or very unhappy while I have something to learn.

I am just like the clerk in the Canterbury Tales: “And gladly wolde he lerne, and gladly teche.” Because, you know, teaching is my other favourite thing to do.

How about you, are you doing your favourite things? If you aren’t, why not? Would you like to? Tell me!

One thought on “#BlogElul 15: Learn

  1. Lynne says:

    This is exactly why I am so grateful to still have my tech writing career…I get paid to learn new things all the time! 🙂 And then to teach it to others. I feel like I am helping.

    Proud of you Hadass, you are stretching and growing before our eyes! Good stuff.

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