Do You Have a Job For This Young Man?

Martin KaethlerAre you looking for an office manager in Winnipeg who will work enthusiastically for your good cause? My friend Martin might just fit your ticket.

Here is the summary from his resumé, of which you can find the full text HERE. Also, clicking on his picture will take you to his LinkedIn profile.

Being an empathetic person has always shaped how I work and live my life. Once I become familiar with organizational policies, I work very hard to offer the best level of customer service within the business model. It is absolutely essential to know what is being offered, ascertaining the need of the customer, and fulfilling the needs with appropriate services and products. Customer satisfaction has always been an internal vocation for me, I want to work to the satisfaction of all parties.

I have always gravitated toward leadership in team based activities, whether work or play. An important aspect of that has always been my desire for clear communication, to create better understanding among all team members. I would often find myself working to organize information, and coordinating actions before they would become problems. This was often facilitated by learning the organizational system, both technical and social, to help build a better problem solving team.

Does this sound like someone you want to work with? Call him soon because I’m sure he won’t be available for long!

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