Starting Afresh

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day by brillianthues, on Flickr

Today is my 53rd birthday. Yes, I was born on Valentine’s Day. The joke in my family is that my father wanted to name me Valentina, but my mother always assured me that I was in no danger.

Today I am starting afresh, as I have so many times in what is now turning out to be quite a long life, as these things go. I think I may finally be a little closer to finding out what I want to be when I grow up.

I am finding that coaching, for me, is the most exciting and energising thing I have ever done. Listening to people talk, analyzing what they say, finding the thoughts behind the feelings, and helping them explore those thoughts just gives me such a kick.

The absolute best, though, is that moment of realisation, which I’ve seen with a few clients now, that they can change their thoughts and then their feelings change. Sometimes the change is very small, because deeply-rooted patterns are hard to unseat. But the relief is just amazing, without a single change in circumstance.

So I am committing to finishing my certification and spreading my wings in the coaching business. It’s not been hard to find free clients, soon I’ll find out whether people are willing to pay for the privilege! I hope they will, so I can continue to help them.

I am committing to serious work on my Isagenix business, because it is such an amazing gift to share with the world. I truly believe that most people’s health would benefit from trying it out for 30 days. I know mine has.

In that vein, I am also recommitting to my health, because I just have so much I want to do and I need to have that energy. Tomorrow morning I’ll be restarting my Isabody challenge, with my 30 day program. I’ve allowed too many other things to interfere with my health and wellness, and that has to stop. There will be more exercise, less snacking and most importantly, more sleep. I am determined to make my 50s be my best decade yet, in terms of health and focus.

Who is joining me on this journey?

2 thoughts on “Starting Afresh

  1. Zohar says:

    I love you. Good luck and ‘derech tzlecha’. I am sure you will succeed. and happy sister day to me 🙂
    (Maya invented it on Joey’s 2nd birthday and it is true of me too. On Feb 14th 1962 I became a sister).

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