The First Newsletter is Out!


The Firstborn!

It’s a newborn baby newsletter! This one was just an introduction, but the plan is to write a substantive one every week.

Just for this one, I’m going to post the text here. But in future, if you want to know what’s in the newsletter, you’ll have to subscribe to it.

Welcome to my very first newsletter! I’m sure you are wondering how it is going to be different from the blog. Well, the purpose of the newsletter is to have a direct, personal conversation with you. Of course we can do that on the blog, as well, but it is so much easier for most people to hit reply than to leave a comment. If you do hit that reply button, your message will go directly to me without having to be approved, bla bla.

The newsletter content will probably not stray too far off from that of the blog, given that that is presumably why you are following me. But I expect it to be much more conversation and much less broadcasting.

I’m very excited to be starting this venture, and I hope you will stay with me for this journey. The Lizard Brain has been very loud in my head, telling me that I have nothing to say and nobody is interested. I’ve been pushing it back hard, but I’m going to need your encouragement and support.

So what’s in it for you? Why should you read this email every week, and share it with your friends and family so they read it, too? I believe that we can support each other on this journey, and that you can learn and grow along with me, sharing in my experience. We’ll talk about food, parenting, kindness, the Lizard Brain, fear of failure/success, body image, health, local eating and sticking it to the Imposter Police. Also anything else you, the raison d’être of this newsletter, want me to talk about.

What do you think? Hit “Reply” and let me know!

So that’s it. I’m hoping everyone who reads this blog will take the plunge and join me on the newsletter venture. I’m not selling anything at the moment, and if that ever changes, I will be EXTREMELY CLEAR on the matter. I will never share your email address with anyone, for any purpose, without your express permission. That should go without saying, but regrettably it isn’t always the case, so I’m saying so, loud and clear.

Let’s go!!

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