So I was in this exercise class, and I found myself wondering out loud why I was there. Stay tuned for the answer. What do you do for self-love?
Tag: Facebook
#BlogElul 29: Return (video)
I did it! I made it all the way through Elul with my blogs, although I did have to do a bit of catching up here and there. So proud of myself! Here is the last video of this project, and it's a chatty one - I forgot that I had switched my Facebook Lives … Continue reading #BlogElul 29: Return (video)
#BlogElul 15: Intend (video)
I am so thrilled that Rabbi Sommer has given us this theme for today, halfway through Elul. Thinking about intentionality is one of my favourite things to do these days. I recorded this Facebook Live video in my van this morning, all sweaty and hot (and with blinding sunlight on half of my face), with … Continue reading #BlogElul 15: Intend (video)
No More Can’t! (video)
Discovering My Mission
If you follow me on FaceBook, you've seen the saga I went through a few weeks ago - it took me about 24 hours longer to get from Winnipeg to San Antonio, TX, than intended. Blizzards, maintenance issues and everything the Universe could throw at me conspired to keep me from getting there on Thursday … Continue reading Discovering My Mission
#BlogElul 8: Hear
I love listening to podcasts, and just recently I heard a great one by Jeffery Combs, on becoming a master listener. What is a master listener? According to Jeffery, it is someone who can hear what is meant rather than what is said, someone who is fully present when the other person is speaking. I … Continue reading #BlogElul 8: Hear
If I Told You …
So this was my Facebook status the other day. Deliberately provocative, as you can see, and as I hoped, I got lots of responses. I am blessed with the most generous, thoughtful, wonderful friends ever, and they gave me the gift of their gut response (which was almost unanimously "No", by the way). Then they … Continue reading If I Told You …
I Love the Smell of Facebook in the Morning … But I’m Giving it Up
OK, now you really think I'm nuts. Smell of Facebook? What's that about? And why would you give up smelling (or reading, I guess that's more accurate) Facebook in the morning? If you are like me (and I know a lot of people are), you sleep with your phone not too far away. I confess … Continue reading I Love the Smell of Facebook in the Morning … But I’m Giving it Up
Good-bye Facebook, Hello Pinterest/Instagram/All That Stuff
First of all, if you aren't interested in BlackBox, you will be delighted to know that I have created a newsletter for it, and will no longer be putting blatantly BlackBox stuff on the blog itself (although I will be making pages on the website). I do, however, intend to explore the whole network marketing … Continue reading Good-bye Facebook, Hello Pinterest/Instagram/All That Stuff
Practising What I Preach
So, just like that, I'm going to speak at a MoMondays Winnipeg on January 6, 2014, at Sam's Place. If you are local, I hope you will come and see me. Yes, I'm terrified. So? I would assume that speakers usually have more than a week's time to prepare their talks, but this was a … Continue reading Practising What I Preach