#BlogElul 4: Understand

Understanding is the Holy Grail for us personal development junkies. We might call it wisdom or enlightenment or whatever, but in the end, what we really want is to create a human pattern that makes sense to us. Understanding doesn't come out of nowhere - first we have to acquire some knowledge, or at least … Continue reading #BlogElul 4: Understand

#BlogElul 3: Search

The word "search" implies intentionality. A searcher is not merely wandering through life, marvelling at the serendipity of things. A searcher is on a mission, trying to find something specific. The searcher may not know what she is looking for, but she knows that something is missing in her life. Or she may know exactly … Continue reading #BlogElul 3: Search

#BlogElul 25 – Intend

Well, it's not hard to figure out how my intentions for this blog post series have not been working out very well. But today I will follow through on my good intention and post! One might say it was inevitable. As the days became steadily busier, approaching school and the actual holidays, my posting frequency … Continue reading #BlogElul 25 – Intend