J2 – It’s the New Black

Being determined to bring my WordPress project back on track, I downloaded Jesse's J2 theme from his website. I started the WAMP server, closed every other window on The Geriatric Laptop, said a little prayer, and started WordPress. It only took about three whiny time-outs, but I got it up and activated the J2 theme. … Continue reading J2 – It’s the New Black

3 Real-Life Reasons to Use an Editorial Calendar

So my laptop is now working, more or less (thank you AVG PC TuneUp, even if I had to uninstall it afterwards to prevent it sludging up everything it had cleaned!). Now that I've lost that excuse, it's time to give some serious thought to my blogging schedule. Blogging schedule, you cry? You had such … Continue reading 3 Real-Life Reasons to Use an Editorial Calendar

Down the WordPress Rabbit Hole

Before getting down and dirty with WordPress, I want to talk very briefly about expectations. While WordPress has a very low entry barrier for users who stick with what is provided, to become a true WordPress ninja takes years. See this wonderful piece by the inimitable Chris Lema. We don't expect to reach that level … Continue reading Down the WordPress Rabbit Hole

In the Beginning …

In the beginning, there was Blogger. Blogger was very, very good to a nervous newbie. Everything was provided, the themes were pretty, the interface was reasonably quick and easy to learn. But as time went on, the little blogger grew up and got impatient with the limitations of the sandbox.Β  So, because I'd been listening … Continue reading In the Beginning …