Image by Pezibear from Pixabay This week, both the Jewish and the Christian traditions celebrate spring holidays - at least in the Northern Hemisphere. I’ve often wondered what it feels like to celebrate seasonal holidays in the opposite season - the High Holy Days in the spring, Passover in the fall, Christmas in midsummer. But … Continue reading Considering Rebirth
Celebrating Freedom in a Time of Quarantine
This week, Jews around the world will be celebrating Passover, the Festival of Freedom from slavery and oppression. Christians will celebrate Easter, the time of the Resurrection, also associated with freedom from original sin. Everyone in northern climes is looking forward to spring, when the snow melts and life emerges from hibernation. Australians usually enjoy … Continue reading Celebrating Freedom in a Time of Quarantine
Why You Need to Go Outside, but Safely
Are we stir-crazy yet? We are getting so many contradictory signals - stay inside, but make sure you get some fresh air and exercise. Stay away from other humans, but be sure to stay connected. We are social creatures, but right now we need to stay away from each other, to protect the vulnerable. This … Continue reading Why You Need to Go Outside, but Safely
Sending You Love and Light [VIDEO]
Celebration in Times of Anxiety
I don’t know about you, but I feel like I have emotional whiplash right now. As the world grapples with the reality of the novel corona virus, social distancing has become the expression of the day, governments are closing schools, libraries and borders, and for some reason, people are hoarding toilet paper. As we hear … Continue reading Celebration in Times of Anxiety
Happy International Women’s Day!
This week the world celebrated International Women’s Day (IWD), which has been observed on March 8th since 1914. The day has a long and illustrious history, including sparking the Russian Revolution in 1917, as well as being a focal point for protests leading to women being granted the vote in most countries in the world. … Continue reading Happy International Women’s Day!
Default Setting: Gratitude [VIDEO]
Just for a change, here is a video instead of a written blog. Enjoy!
Getting Past Fear
There’s a great quote from George Addair: “Everything you have ever wanted is on the other side of fear”. Fear is a very primal emotion - babies are born with it, even animals who are much lower on the evolutionary scale than we are seem to manifest it. But we humans have taken it to … Continue reading Getting Past Fear
Why Self-Love is Not Selfish
Image by Susanne Jutzeler, suju-foto from Pixabay It’s February, the month of love! Everywhere you turn, you see hearts, chocolates, and lots of advice about how to maintain a good relationship with your loved ones. I’ve written some of that myself in this space over the years. This year, though, I want to talk about … Continue reading Why Self-Love is Not Selfish
Happy Tu b’Shvat!
Yesterday was the 15th of the Hebrew month of Shvat, commonly known as Tu (the number 15 written in Hebrew letters) b’Shvat. The Talmud established that day as the New Year for Trees. In a Hebrew year, such as the current one, without a leap month, Tu b’Shvat kicks off a series of three holidays … Continue reading Happy Tu b’Shvat!