A Life Well Lived

This past Thursday was my father’s second yahrzeit, the anniversary of his passing, according to the Hebrew calendar. It is traditional to light a memorial candle that will burn for 24 hours, and to find a community with which to recite the Mourner’s Kaddish, a special prayer praising the Divine. I am privileged to have … Continue reading A Life Well Lived

Standing on Guard For Thee

Designed by Kwakwaka’wakw artist, Curtis Wilson This past Saturday was Canada Day. When we first moved here, in 1994, people were still arguing about the change from Dominion Day. When we became citizens in 2003, our citizenship judge, Art Miki, told us how his father had been discriminated against for being of Japanese origin, despite … Continue reading Standing on Guard For Thee

Can One Person Own Another?

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay This week contains both Father’s Day and Juneteenth, which makes it a good time to ponder the whole concept of patriarchy, on the one hand, and chattel slavery, on the other. As a Jewish Canadian of Eastern European descent, I have no ancestral memory of slavery beyond Egypt; we have … Continue reading Can One Person Own Another?

Do You Hear the Call?

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay This past weekend we celebrated the holiday of Shavu’ot, or Feast of Weeks - also known as Pentecost in the Christian tradition. It is always celebrated exactly 50 days after the first night of Passover - we count seven weeks, as ordained in the Torah, and then mark the 50th … Continue reading Do You Hear the Call?

The Messy Middle

Image by Benjamin Balazs from Pixabay Starting new things is fun and exciting, full of possibility. Finishing a project is satisfying. The problem, with most things, is the messy middle. I recently had a conversation with a friend, who currently has very short hair. Her Zoom profile picture showed her with long, flowing locks, and … Continue reading The Messy Middle

OK, Fine. Let’s Talk About Weight Loss.

Image by Vidmir Raic from Pixabay You have probably noticed that I don’t like to talk about weight loss, even though the company I work with (and whose products I LOVE and use all the time!), got its start as a weight loss company 20 years ago. Time moves on, and they are smart enough … Continue reading OK, Fine. Let’s Talk About Weight Loss.