Finish the Year Strong

pushing a rockDid you set goals in January? Most people do. How well did you do in achieving them?

Research tells us that only 8% of people who make New Year’s resolutions actually achieve them. That’s a pretty dismal record, as I’m sure you will agree.

Of course, I don’t know you, but statistically, chances are much higher that you, as you read this, are in that 92% that keeps making the same resolutions over and over, than in the 8% of achievers.

What is it about resolutions, or any other goals, that makes it so hard to stick to them? More importantly, how can we become part of that coveted 8%?

We are now in the first week of October, which means there are three months left in 2018. It might be tempting to just throw up your hands, give up on the rest of the year, and wait to make the same resolution again in January. Isn’t that what we’ve done every year? But that’s how we got stuck in that 92%. What can we do differently?

One thing I can tell you about that 8%, is that they are not, in general, luckier, smarter or more talented than the rest of us 92%. They do, however, have some characteristics in common that we would do well to emulate. For example, they have a clear vision of where they want to go and more importantly, why. What is the purpose of the goals we have set? Will achieving them make us happier? Remind yourself of this purpose every day.

Sisyphus, of Greek mythology, who had to roll a boulder to the top of a mountain and then watch it roll down again each day, was being punished by the gods. Why would we do this to ourselves?

We still have three months left until the end of the year. If you set yourself goals in January and didn’t achieve them to your satisfaction, don’t throw in the towel now. Finish the year strong.

You will feel so much better in January if you can point to some achievements to build on, rather than starting again at the bottom of the mountain. Why put yourself into Sisyphean torment if you don’t have to?


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