What to Do When You’ve Blown It

So this weekend was … interesting.

I was tired, I was stressed, and I got into sugary things I shouldn’t have. I can definitely feel the result, there’s a reason why I’m not supposed to eat that stuff, and it’s not because I’m on a “diet”.

So now what?

In the past I would probably have spent a fair amount of time and energy beating myself up about this, and probably calling myself some unpleasant names as well. It’s amazing how mean we can be to ourselves, when we would never talk to someone we love like that.

I very nearly fell into that trap again, but fortunately I have coaches and accountability partners nowadays, who help me pull myself back out.

Repeat after me:

It’s OK not to be perfect.

It’s OK to mess up.

It’s OK to be human.

If you are finding yourself falling short of your own impossible standards of perfection and consistency, give yourself a break and forgive yourself for being human and fallible and messing up sometimes.

Then get up, give your head a shake, and move on. If what you are doing is actually important to you, get back on the horse – it’s a new day, let’s start fresh.

If it isn’t actually that important – consider letting it go and focusing on what IS important. Sometimes we think we need to do things when actually it’s OK if we don’t.

Consider making a short list of the things that are important to do right now, in this time of stress and restriction, and let the rest go. We can’t do everything and be everything to everyone, especially now.

It’s time to make good choices again. It’s OK to mess up, but now we need to move on and not wallow in beating ourselves up.

Are you with me?


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